By Filipe Andrade

The first thing that any manager needs to know is that communication is not (and shouldn’t be) merely a department. The reason for being of an organisation depends on communication, and, therefore, it should be treated as an indispensable element of the institution.

Its impact on the business, is, consequently, direct and unquestionable. An organisation without a structured communication will hardly be able to talk to its stakeholders transmitting ownership, and, therefore, will lose its place to other companies that better understand the concept.    

This considered, managers need to be aware that it is not possible to choose between communicating or not communicating – that is, unless they also would like to chose between the success and the failure of their organisation.

For this reason, the same way a manager does the planning of finances, HR and commercial matters, (s)he needs to plan the communication just as well as you would plan these areas, for they are intrinsically connected.

It is necessary, therefore, to think about and to plan who will speak (through what channels) and what will be said (what message, what profile) with what frequency and, above all, with whom the organisation will speak.

For, in the end, as the saying goes – out of sight, out of mind.

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