Visual communication: 5 tips of what not to do
In the age of internet and multimedia connectivity, visual communication is gaining more and more prominence. In this scenario, companies of various sizes and sectors have invested in the area, due to the great impact on the target audience. That’s why we have separated five tips on what not to do with the visual communication […]
Increase Sales Through Corporate Communication
Let’s face it – corporate communication has no purpose in itself. It is not a goal but a means to an end. This end being, in most but not all cases, to increase sales of a product or a service. Now, the fact that communications is a means to an end does not mean it […]
Corporate Social Medias – What Are They And Why Use Them?
By Filipe Andrade When we talk about corporate communications, we immediately think about a number of channels used for this, some more conventional (house organs, corporate TVs, bulletins) and other less conventional (video releases, for example). An even less conventional channel and one on the increase, is corporate social medias. They are platforms that can […]
Infographics in Corporate Communications – More Efficient Communications
By Lívia Caixeta The communication with your public, no matter who they are, will only be efficient if the message that you intend to send, is received without unwanted noise interfering the transmission. In other words, the information needs to be seized in a clean and clear manner, without margin for alternative interpretations. This challenge […]
The History of Corporate Communications in Brazil
By Thaís Muniz Corporate communications is the term that refers both to internal– and external communications, that is, communications with employees, the public, partners and different institutions. It is therefore an essential aspect of communications that needs to be put into practice across the organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities. Initially, […]
By João Pedro Andrade On the second week of 2018, Facebook announced a new policy for its users newsfeeds. From that day on, and in the name of better social interaction, the social network returned to its origins, prioritizing content from users’ families and friends above content from brands and products. The measure costed Mark […]
By Filipe Andrade The first thing that any manager needs to know is that communication is not (and shouldn’t be) merely a department. The reason for being of an organisation depends on communication, and, therefore, it should be treated as an indispensable element of the institution. Its impact on the business, is, consequently, direct and […]
What is a press conference?
By Núbia Neves It is common in fiction to watch films that have a scene where journalists gather in a room and ask questions after questions for interviewees who are going through a crisis. Besides fiction, another occasion at which we commonly come across in press conferences, is in football: players and coaches sit in […]
What type of information can make news?
Not everything that happens inside a company is news. Not everything we think is relevant, is interesting for the public, or even interesting for the media. The analysis to understand why certain subject is newsworthy and others are not, requires previous knowledge about the routines of newsrooms. In his book “Assessoria de Imprensa e Relacionamento […]
Learn the mistakes that should be avoided in internal communication
By Núbia Neves The internal image of a company still may not be treated with the priority it deserves, however, communication between company and employees is as important as communication with any other stakeholder. If you asked “stakeholder?” Yes, you got it right. Employees are certainly one of the main targets that a company should […]