10 tips to promote your business on Facebook

By Alan Mariasch An online platform with more than 1 billion users of all ages and social classes, of which 76 million are Brazilians (2nd country in the world in number of registered). Increasing levels of digital inclusion in Brazil, with 36% of the population already owning smartphones and 83 million people who already have Internet […]

What does a PR Agency do, after all?

 By Rogério Artoni Nowadays, in Brazil, any niche market has their big companies working in all operations. These ones have their brands stamped in the potential customer’s minds. About the small companies, that also want some space in the memory of these prospective clients, some actions are essentials, as relationship and joining forces. Keeping a good relation is extremely important […]

What is a position paper?

By Núbia Neves Often in the media relations, proactive work and reactive work walk side by side. It is always very important to expect for the best but to be prepared for the worst. In most cases the journalist always looks for more than one spokesperson for its stories and, for this reason, controversial opinions […]