By Thamyris Barbosa

Impeccable language and editing strategies are no longer enough to put your text among the most read of the week. These aspects are important, sure, even fundamental. However, they are not tracked by the search engines when finding the text in the ocean of information that makes up the internet. To make your content appear before the others, the use of SEO tactics are helpful.   

You have probably already seen this abbreviation somewhere. It stands for Search Engine Optimization which, in practice, is a number of tactics which optimize your content in the endless search list results of Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and others. Through these strategies, the text has chances of reaching the top of the search results and reach more readers, get more likes and shares. And, as getting noticed is crucial in the corporate world, we have gathered a few tips below that will help you to adapt to the search engine mechanisms.

Title – The title should always create attention, be concise and contain one or two keywords (preferably on the left hand side of the page). Ideally, the title shouldn’t be longer than 70 characters not to appear cut off in the search results lists.

Keyword – The keywords are a crucial part of any SEO strategy. They should be chosen very carefully. It might even be worth researching which keywords are the most used. Ideally, the keywords should appear, apart from in the title, in the first and the last paragraph as well as in a few of the subtitles. However, be careful not to overuse the keywords, as you might be “punished” for this repetitiveness by not appearing in the searches made by the users.  

Size – Not too long, not too short. The text should stay within, on average, a limit of 300 to 500 words. Of course, it all depends on the amount of information and the writing style of the author, but be careful not to overdo it.

Links – Think about it this way: you need to keep the reader on your site. Once he landed there, don’t let him leave too early. To prevent this, you should offer him content within the same area. If these links are “camouflaged” inside the text, even better. The idea is to link one topic to the other, keeping the reader for the maximum amount of time on the site and making him loyal.

With this brief guide, you won’t become a SEO expert, but you will be able to increase the number of views of your page significantly. It is worth keeping in mind that current topics and an engaging language are just as essential as as any optimization technique. For this reason, make use of your inspiration.

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