The new forms of social, relational and mediatic interactions, the breaking of paradigms and innovation have made society, especially Brazilian society, assume a new world configuration. Increasingly present, the word “reconfigure” entwines physical and virtual space, incorporating itself into the context of society in all spheres. In organizations, it is no different. The era of standardization of PLC being is over. Although there are still fundamentalist adepts, the imposed whole has dissipated every day. As portrayed by Zygmun Bauman, Polish sociologist and philosopher in “liquid modernity,” everything is volatile, human relations are no longer tangible.
In an open world, full of possibilities, connectivity, communicational and social plurality, where technology is a real extension of man, the term Global Village, used by Herbert Marshall McLuhan in his works “The Gutenberg Galaxy” (1962) later, “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man” (1964), confers veracity to contemporary society. The values, concepts, principles and rules, which until then were only dictated by social organizations, are increasingly distant from postmodern man.
Today, the employees of a company do not want to be known as mere workers, operational – they aim to have voice and constitute a new PLC being.
In this scenario, corporate social networks emerged, important tools not only for the establishment of internal communication of excellence, but also for the empowerment of a new business being.
Corporate Social Networks: Benefits and ChallengesIn the digital age, whether at work or at home, people invariably spend too much time in front of computers, tablets, smartphones, and other devices. Socializing on networks is the existential reason that moves postmodern humanity. According to data from Hootsuite and We Are Social, released in 2018, 62% of the Brazilian population is active on social networks, and 58% have already searched for a service or product through the internet.
If used strategically, the corporate networks are excellent options for an establishment of culture of excellence of internal communication, because through the tool it is possible to improve the organizational climate; establish dialogue between the entities, with a mutualistic communication, which does not privilege unilateral relations; engage the team; empower participants, since there is space for the development of new ideas, processes, services and products; retain talents; and even identify organizational gaps, reducing communication and turnover crises. But what is a corporate social network?
“Grandchild” of the old intranet, they are platforms that bring together professionals from an organization, creating a communication chains. Like open social networks, these systems, targeting an audience of an organization, which can be collaborators or other stakeholders – in some cases suppliers, partners and even shareholders -, bring together people around common interests. Depending on the platform, it is possible to write content, share, enjoy, create communities and even talk in private mode with a user.
It is noteworthy that the establishment of dialogue provides growth, since, when communication is potentiated, cherishing innovation and creativity, there is a latent flow of thoughts, but this does not mean that relationships should not be mediated.
Although the advent of social interactions in the digital environment contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, rapid communication, opening of new markets (technological and human) and innumerable other benefits, without mediation, networks become a major threat to the image management and the reputation of the organization, which could be exposed to the unpredictability of phenomena and to ideologies with strictly opportunistic and personal ends.
In addition to mediation, in order to succeed, by acquiring a market platform or by developing a corporate social network of its own, it is imperative for organizations to be clear about the real purpose of the project and to convey the ideas to the participants.
To make it strategic and meaningful, there is no point in just making network access available to participants. The tool should be part of an integrated communication plan, have a solid policy with processes that justify its use, with a strategy that contemplates the role of mediators; network structure, indicators and performance measurement, such as employee participation; opportunities, points of attention and gaps. Still, it is salutary to remember that the adoption of the network does not exclude other communication tools. Especially when it comes to internal communication, the use of platforms from various means, such as house organ, wall newspaper, Corporate TV and others, facilitates access to information easing communication and bilateral relationships. In short, you cannot think that the results will appear if there is no prior planning. In communication, planning is the key to success, especially when it comes to attracting and relating to the new PLC being.
By Rodrigo Freitas