Internal communication for millennials

Learn how internal business communication can be more efficient in the era of millennials

Internal communication plays key roles in day-to-day business. Through it, it is possible to establish a mean of conversation between the board and the employees and to promote the collaboration and the team spirit between employees. But today, in the digital age, internal communication has some challenges in which social networks are the protagonists of the dissemination of news and the millennials generation is the new workforce.

Generation Y, better known as millennial, represents 8.3 million Brazilian consumers, according to data from Serasa Experian with Geofusion. Millennials are people born from 1980 to 1994, who have very early contact with internet and digital technology.

Millennial behavior is very different from those of previous generations, especially in the professional environment. It is an incisive stance that always prioritizes well-being within the work environment, before any other benefit or salary. Millennials are not so attracted to high wages, but flexible journeys and working models can provide a better quality of life. In fact, the quality of what they develop is much more valued and prioritized than the number of tasks they perform. And, besides all this, the main thing: they want to work with purpose. They want to believe and like what they do. Therefore, they are always in search of better places, not clinging to the same place for years and years, as previous generations.

That said, the profile of generation Y demands new forms of internal business communication. To retain employees who are always seeking professional achievement wherever it may be, some strategies are needed:

1. Language is essential in planning: a more youthful, light and up-to-date communication;

2. Encourage protagonists and ambassadors, listen and give voice to young millennials – they have much to contribute to the growth of the company;

3. Challenging them, always encouraging their personal and career development, is also something expected and desired;

4. Endomarketing campaigns: involve employees in company campaigns and initiatives that promote engagement, integration and pride in belonging.

To learn more about internal communication, see other texts from the Race Communication blog or contact us!

By Bárbara Christan


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