Specialized Media Training and Professional Codes of Ethics

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All it took was a camera and a microphone that all you had prepared to talk about disappeared! Direct contact with journalists – especially in press conferences or interviews – intimidates even the best articulated spokesperson. If it’s live, then it feels like you’re lost… That’s why media training, or training for the press, is critical to any organization that develops media relations. Training becomes even more important in the case of self-employed professionals or representatives of public or private health and law institutions (to name the top). In these cases, specialized media training exposes how to relate to the media without breaking the professional Codes of Ethics in each segment.

Codes of Ethics are often stringent and regulate press relations in direct-contact professions that address strategic issues: lawsuits and the use of health-hazardous substances, for example. Currently, these rules and cautions still serve for exposure in digital environments, especially in actions with digital influencers. In these cases, strategic communication planning may require the realization of specialized media training!

One of the strategies that favors and enriches this training is lectures with communication professionals specialized in the areas. That is, in addition to all the usual apparatus of a media training, the activity can be developed with specific situations exposed by those who experience the segment daily. This guest may be a reporter or host who specializes in the subject, or even a press officer; as has already happened in some cases of trainings given by Race Communication in partnership with legal journalist João Camargo Neto.

[br_tc]Being aware of the Codes of Ethics is the ‘ace in the hole’ of specialized press trainings. In the legal field, for example, the judiciary still needs to pay attention to the Organic Law in addition to resolutions of the National Council of Justice, for example; the same goes for prosecutors, and in the case of lawyers, they should pay attention to the new Code of Ethics and Discipline of the Brazilian Bar Association

analyzes João Camargo.

[br_tc]In the health field, a partnership between influencer Gabriela Pugliese and a tea brand recently caught the attention of the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar). Even if disclosure is made spontaneously, it is up to the brand to ensure the information does not violate current regulations. Something that can be prevented by the elaboration of a small manual that warns about what can and cannot be published, as it is done in crisis situations (which also generates a high demand for media training).

[br_tc]That is: being deeply prepared requires investment – time and financial – but it is a guarantee of good results for your image or your brand / business.[br_tc][nbsp_tc]

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